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Hybrid Systems Make Waterless Urinals a Viable OptionWaterless urinals have been catching on more and more over the years wherever there is a public restroom facility to be designed. Sustainable restroom products have become the norm for many reasons; of course, they help to conserve water, a precious natural resource, but they also help to cut down on maintenance and even cleaning requirements.

However, there is still support for the benefits of a traditional flush-type urinal, as the rinsing can do good for cleaning the surface grime off the inside wall of the urinal and reducing odors. For this reason, the world’s first hybrid-style urinal has been designed and is offered by hybridH2o.

Hybrid urinals bring the best of both worlds, traditional and waterless urinals, into your public restroom facility. Waterless urinals do not need water to flush fluids down into the drain and away from the urinal bowl; instead, they rely on the force of gravity and an advanced filtration system to isolate urine and drain it away. Of course, waterless urinals do not require a water hook-up, as no in-flow is necessary.

Hybrid urinals, on the other hand, are able to use a water hook-up for the purpose of flushing, but do not require water to do so. Like waterless urinals, they rely on gravity to bring fluids down into the filter system; but they do use a water supply at regular intervals to rinse the inside of the urinal bowl. This helps to keep the inside surface of the urinal bowl clean, while also eliminating odors originating from there.