If you have decided to install waterless urinals, a critical component of keeping them maintained will be regularly replacing their waterless urinal cartridges. This important element of a waterless urinal is what keeps the sewer gas and liquid from coming back into the restroom space. There are various waterless urinal cartridges on the market, and they don’t all work the same way, so they may have different replacement guidelines from the manufacturer.
There are two major types of waterless urinal cartridges:
- Cartridges that use sealant fluid: These cartridges may last from 1500 uses to 7500 uses, but the sealant fluid has to be replaced more often, making maintenance messier and more time-consuming, as well as adding to the cost of maintenance.
- Cartridges that don’t use sealant fluid: Waterless urinal cartridges like our Smarty Bee product don’t rely on sealant fluid. These high-quality cartridges require less maintenance and won’t be affected by any water or cleaning products used in cleaning your waterless urinals.
If you are wondering how often you should replace your waterless urinal cartridges, you will have to think about the number of people who use your facilities on a daily basis. Factors include the time elapsed since the last replacement and the average usage of a particular urinal. It is usually about 3 to 6 months. Keeping a log of when replacements occur can give you a better idea of your regular interval. Cleaning staff should also be aware of any manufacturer’s specifications for the specific waterless urinal cartridges you are using.